08 February 2013

This is not a blog

Hello friends!!!

Of course I haven't posted anything because of indifference and such things. I've survived another year full of awful valleys of blunders. Throughout I did think some more about chess in general, my own strengths, weaknesses, reasons for my wins and ineptitudes and such and wrote little bits and pieces about my findings. But, as you know, it is not allowed to discuss a work in progress, so I will leave it at that.

This game I played the other day is pleasant enough to share, and the surprise finish should make you smile (I'm smiling about it anyway):
Play online chess

Is that all, you might ask, and the answer is yes.


  1. "This is not a blog" , as in " This is not a love song" ?

    I admit, it took me some time to work out why 25. Be4 instead of Qxh7+ immediately, but there again, its Friday, and I'm on my second Chimay Blauw ( bad week at work :). A sweet, and imaginative finish, if only he'd let you !!

    As always, good to read you, but I miss those crazy arrows ;-)

    Looking forward to more !

  2. Nice game .
    Jim Takchess

  3. Once you understand the strategies of winning chess games, you will be able to come up with your own strategies. You can even learn to use Pawns to create checkmate situations. We can talk about doing automatic checkmate situations later. Right now, get started. learn chess
